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16th Annual Life Celebration & Prayer Father's For Life Day Walk, Run or Bike

Join Us,


Saturday June 15, 2024

The Kentucky Walk Starts:  8:00 a.m. (registration at 7:00 a.m.)
1143 S. 6th Street - Louisville, KY

We will walk to Planned Parenthood Louisville and do a Jericho Walk (7 times) around the location.
Joshua 6 vs 1-21

Planned Parenthood
842 S. 7th St., Louisville, KY 40203

Indiana Walk Starts:  12 noon
(registration @ 11:00 am)
Pavilion @ the Big 4 Station

The Big 4 Bridge On-Street Parking

Registration is $40.00 per person

$80.00 per couple

Transportation:  Provided for those who can’t walk
Parking Available:  St. Bertrand Catholic Church (across the street)

We Ask Each Participant To Set The Goal of Raising $1,200.00!

We Challenge everyone to raise $1,200
Ask 20 of your Life Saving Family and Friends for $60 each!

You just saved a Baby, Mom, Dad, and Family with your $1,200.00

How Do I Get Involved?


  • Complete a registration form

  • Turn in or Mail in the completed registration form

  • Call 502.533.7243

  • Register Online at

  • Registration fee is $40.00 per person (Deuteronomy 30 vs. 19)

  • $80.00 per couple (Isaiah 58 vs. 6-14)

Fill In The Sponsor Forms

  • Supply full information and print clearly (Think Zip Codes!)

  • Make sure that you name is at the top of the form.

  • Mail it or bring it with you to the walk.

We choose his plan
We choose life.
Proverbs 31 vs. 8
Deuteronomy 30 vs. 19

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Do You Have Questions?

Contact by Email or Call
We Will Connect You With A Team Member Who Can Respond to Your Questions, Thanks!

Frequently Asked Questions


Do I have to collect the money?

  • Yes

  • Turn in your sponsor sheet at the walk or mail it in, we do the rest!

  • If sponsors give you money, mark them paid and turn in at the walk.


How far do I have to walk?

  • 3.5 miles (Louisville) / 2 miles (Jeffersonville)

  • Everyon can participate

  • Sponsors give a set amount, not a per mile pledge.


What if I can’t be there that day?

  • No problem! Walk on your own.

  • Mail us your form or bring it to our office.

  • Organize a walk in your own city.

  • Walk to a PPH or another abortion mill.


What if it rains? We walk, rain or shine.

  • Bring an umbrella!

  • Bring us your form the day of the walk and walk on your own later!


How do I ask someone to sponsor me & who will do it?

  • Ask everyone, “Will you sponsor me?”

  • Family Friends, Co-workers, Neighbors,

  • Mail, E-mail, Social Network…

  • Don't Forget Previous Year Sponsors

About Sisters For Life

Sisters For Life is a Christian nonprofit 501c3 organization inspired by God to take a holistic approach in advocating for pre born babies and their mothers and fathers that are faced with an unplanned pregnancy.


We are also advocates for God’s family values. God has a good plan and purpose for every life and family. Our assignment is to serve and assist them in fulfilling that plan. In addition, the LORD has assigned SFL to AWAKEN, TRAIN and MOBILIZE, the church as a whole, but the historically black church in particular, to end abortion in our communities, restore broken families and thereby achieve a Christ centered culture change. All by the GRACE of GOD!

Sisters For Life's Mission :

Awaken, Train and Mobilize the African American Church to end abortion in our community!


Need More Information:

Contact: Angela Minter
Phone: (502) 408-2950

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